Spring Break Destinations

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Since I am on spring break this week I figured I should write a post about the top spring break destinations for college students.


I should probably start off with a little bit about me and my travel plans for the far - ish future.

I'm Niki, a geology student still in college. My dream is to live in Norway or Sweden or Iceland or somewhere interesting one day.

I started traveling way before I can even remember. My parents were avid adventurers and took me to all kinds of places. We also never stayed put in one place too long either. I started life in Michigan, two years later we were in Nevada, then Alaska, Virginia, Washington (state), Minnesota, back to Michigan (same house too!), a different house in Michigan, North Dakota, and I'm not sure if I should count my move to college as a move. So you could say that traveling is apart of who I am. 

I haven't been to too many other countries yet, Spain and Canada. And I have been to 31 out of 50 states. Pretty awesome right?! 

My goal is to post something travelly every week, but I guess we'll see where this goes.

If you could live in a different country one day, where would you choose to go?